Stage Doll

Shibaraku (Wait a Minute!)

Gongoro Kamakura

Kamakura Gongoro

Takehira Kiyohara

Kiyohara no Takehira


katsura no mae


Kashima nyudo shinsai

Kamakura Gongoro Kagemasa, “Shibaraku” at Shinjo festival, is the work by Hokuzan II in his early age, and also one of his best known works.
Before this work created by Nogawa family, few dolls had its mouth wide open. This work showed the sign of challenge to a new style while following the tradition. This Kamakura Gongoro, the main character of “Shibaraku”, expressed dinamics, strength, and power.
This work was influenced by the image of floats at Shinjo festival, which try to reproduce a scene of Kabuki stage.
“Shibaraku” at Shinjo festival is the program that features all the works of the first Yozan, Yozan II, and Hokuzan II on the same stage.